Grace Benevolence and Outreach Teams give aid and extended support internationally, to several Dayton area community service and ministry organizations and to the Grace membership itself. 

Supporting the NALC
North American Lutheran Church

One aspect of the strategic plan adopted by Grace’s council in 2023 is to increase our support of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).  We intend to achieve this goal through additional financial support and participation in NALC sponsored events.
The Grace Outreach Team continues to collect pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and cancelled postage stamps, any denomination or Forever stamps (not PreSort or Bulk Rate).  These cancelled stamps will be given to an organization that uses them in support of veterans’ therapy.  
Struggling with Pornography?
Trying Harder Doesn’t Work. 
Conquer Can Help
Conquer meets at Grace on Tuesdays 6:30 pm—8-30 pm.
For questions and registration email Patrick at

View testimonials:
In support of Hope Rising, we will be collecting items in October to be distributed to their clients.
The current needs are baby food, size 6 diapers, Jesus Storybook Bibles, baby wash, shampoo, and lotion, and gently used boys winter outfits size 4T-5T. Crib sheets are always needed and with cold weather coming, sweaters, hats, and mittens will also be appreciated. A collection box will be available mid-September through October.