See to it that no one misses the Grace of God. Hebrews 12:15

                                                                    Worship Service
September 15, 2024
Pastor Phil Hohulin
What is the NALC?
NALC Newsletter
July/August 2024

            Newsletter Highlights





The Grace Church Council met on Monday, August 19, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the fellowship hall. Pastor motioned and the council approve the memberships of Jacob Helinski, Luke Spahr, Kate Moss, and Jordyn Spahr.  Jacob joined in August and Luke, Kate, and Jordyn will join in September.  Welcome, new members of our Grace family!

Music & Worship Coordinator Nathan Pfeiffer presented the contract for Star City Music to include responsibility for directing the Grace choir.  It was approved by council and Samee Griffith-Mood will be our new choir director.   Thank you, Samee, for sharing your musical talents with our Grace family.

On September 14, Grace will again sponsor a bed build with Sleep in Heavenly Peace.  Look for information in the fellowship hall on the organization and ways to sign up to help.  We did a build last September and it was a fun and rewarding experience.  Please sign up and support this worthwhile project.

Council President Deb presented the initial findings from the congregation survey.  The council began a discussion of the ratings and comments which will continue at next month’s meeting.  Thank you to all who participated!  Results and action plans will be shared with the congregation later this fall.

For the past several months Grace Council has been in a discernment process seeking to answer the question: “How is the Spirit of God seeking to build His kingdom among us in this time and place?”  As part of this process, several members participated in our recent series of Community Conversations.  As a follow-up to those sessions, we are seeking input from all our members to participate even further.  Watch for updates in the Grace Tidings Newsletter and on this website.
Monkey Tree
Just a reminder that the Sock Monkey Tree is in the Fellowship hallway. We are collecting socks for the “Shoes for the Shoeless”, an organization that provides socks and shoes for kids in local communities. We will be collecting socks the entire month of August. Thank you in advance for your generous donations.
      Wrong With
    This Picture?

For the next four Su
ndays, Pastor Phil’s sermons will examine the false beliefs of four cults that populate the religious landscape.  Its purpose is not to denigrate those who hold these beliefs, but instead that by looking at the “counterfeit” we might more clearly see and know “the genuine article:” the beautiful and joyful salvation we find in Jesus Christ– his sermon themes for the remaining Sundays in September.
Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Grace is located at
410 East Pease Avenue
West Carrollton, Ohio
Map Link

September 15, 2024

Note:  Live Stream becomes available two (2) minutes before the worship begins                                          
The sermon title for this Sunday is:

“Don’t believe it for a moment!”

Theme: This is the second in a four-part series titled “Don’t believe it for a moment- Part II!”  In this series we are “playing” the game: “What’s Wrong With This Picture?”  In this sermon, by reflecting on the false claims of Mormonism, we find that the Bible has been reliably transmitted to us, that our salvation is by Grace alone, and that we can be confident of an eternity with God in the renewed heavens and earth.

See you Sunday!

Grace & Peace, 

Pastor Phil Hohulin

Adult Sunday School
Begins Its Fall Term This Sunday, September 8th At 9:15 am.

Join this group led by George Reinhart to learn more about the New Testament as they explore Nicholas Thomas Wright and Michael F. Bird’s book, The New Testament You Never Knew.  Most of us share a fascination for discovering ‘the rest of the story.’ And we enjoy learning the behind-the-scenes facts about seemingly familiar events. In The New Testament You Never Knew, well-known Anglican Bible scholars N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird team up to take us on a tour of the explosive story behind the story of the New Testament.


Men of Grace… We are rescheduling the restart of Men’s Fellowship to September 21st– group leader conflicts with work schedules this Saturday.  So, there will be no meeting this week (September 7th). Sorry for the delay. See you on the 21st.


Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Understanding the Old Testament
First session begins September 11, 6:30 p.m.

Does the Old Testament seem strange and confusing to you? When you read it, you may feel like you are visiting another country and trying to read a local newspaper written in a language you do not understand with pictures of an unfamiliar culture. If so, join the club! Or better… join the class!

This fall, the Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Study begins a 34 week overview of the Old Testament featuring lectures by Dr. Chris Miller, professor at Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio.

Meet Dr. Chris Miller
Friday Morning Bible Study & Prayer Group Back in Session After Summer Break
They are studying 1, 2, & 3 John using Jen Wilkin’s workbook entitled, “Abide.” The study is held in the Luther room  (9:30 -11:30 a.m.) and runs through Friday November 15.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace
The Grace fellowship joined with the Moraine City Church of God, Living Water Lutheran and the Family Church to s
ponsor a second Sleep In Heavenly Peace bed-build together for the kids in our communities.  The date for the event was today, Saturday, September 14, 9:00 am -12:00 pm. Nearly 80 volunteers built the components for 50 beds for the kids in our area in less than 3 hours .

Team Meeting Coming Up

Grace teams form the the planning and implementation functions for the congregation.  Their work provides the many ministry opportunities available for the fellowship to exercise their faith inside and outside the church.


Benevolence/Outreach Team‘s next meeting is set for Thursday, September 12th at 3:00p.m.  This team is responsible for reaching out to the community and various other Christian communities.  It supports these organizations through financial contributions, recognition gifts, participation in their activities, and planning several Grace outreach activities.  Team Leader Susan Schmellenkamp can be reached for more information about their activities or to join the group by contacting Susan through the Church Office.
Hope Rising is completely out of baby food at the North Dayton and Kettering Centers, and almost out of baby food at the Huber Heights center! If you would like to donate baby food, please bring it to Grace and put it in the designated box inside the south entrance.  Benevolence Team Leader Susan Schmellenkamp will get it to Hope Rising. You can also donate to their Wish List donation page and select the $30 Baby Food option as a designated gift.